Competition FAQ

Can I change my registration email after the initial registration?

If I have already starred the Langflow project previously, do I need to do anything again?

How will it be verified that all team members have starred the project?

Where can I find support and information during the competition?

Will bug reports and suggestions for new features be rewarded?

Is there a time limit for the YouTube video about the project?

When will the prizes for submissions be distributed?

How will the details of each weekly challenge be released?

Will there be feedback on submitted projects?

During the challenges, can we use other tools besides Langflow?

Are there any restrictions on using specific language models?

Will specific datasets or resources be provided for the challenges?

How will the winners each week be determined?

Will there be a final prize for the best overall project in the competition?

Is it possible to participate in just some weeks of the competition, or is it necessary to participate in all of them?

Is there a minimum participation requirement to be eligible for the final prize of 10 thousand reais?

Will the live sessions with experts be recorded for those who cannot watch them live?

Will there be some kind of certificate or recognition for all participants, regardless of placement?

How will the weekly results and the final result of the competition be announced?

How will cash prizes and gift cards be distributed?

Are registrations closed?

Are the stages eliminatory?