
API Keys

API Keys


Langflow offers an API Key functionality that allows users to access their individual components and flows without going through traditional login authentication. The API Key is a user-specific token that can be included in the request's header or query parameter to authenticate API calls. The following documentation outlines how to generate, use, and manage these API Keys in Langflow.

Generating an API Key

Through Langflow UI

  1. Click on the "API Key" icon.

  2. Click on "Create new secret key".

  3. Give it an optional name.

  4. Click on "Create secret key".

  5. Copy the API key and store it in a secure location.

Using the API Key

Using the x-api-key Header

Include the x-api-key in the HTTP header when making API requests:

curl -X POST \
  http://localhost:3000/api/v1/process/<your_flow_id> \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json'\
  -H 'x-api-key: <your api key>'\
  -d '{"inputs": {"text":""}, "tweaks": {}}'

With Python using requests:

import requests
from typing import Optional

BASE_API_URL = "http://localhost:3001/api/v1/process"
FLOW_ID = "4441b773-0724-434e-9cee-19d995d8f2df"
# You can tweak the flow by adding a tweaks dictionary
# e.g {"OpenAI-XXXXX": {"model_name": "gpt-4"}}

def run_flow(inputs: dict,
            flow_id: str,
            tweaks: Optional[dict] = None,
            apiKey: Optional[str] = None) -> dict:
    Run a flow with a given message and optional tweaks.

    :param message: The message to send to the flow
    :param flow_id: The ID of the flow to run
    :param tweaks: Optional tweaks to customize the flow
    :return: The JSON response from the flow
    api_url = f"{BASE_API_URL}/{flow_id}"

    payload = {"inputs": inputs}
    headers = {}

    if tweaks:
        payload["tweaks"] = tweaks
    if apiKey:
        headers = {"x-api-key": apiKey}

    response =, json=payload, headers=headers)
    return response.json()

# Setup any tweaks you want to apply to the flow
inputs = {"text":""}
api_key = "<your api key>"
print(run_flow(inputs, flow_id=FLOW_ID, tweaks=TWEAKS, apiKey=api_key))

Using the Query Parameter

Alternatively, you can include the API key as a query parameter in the URL:

curl -X POST \
  http://localhost:3000/api/v1/process/<your_flow_id>?x-api-key=<your_api_key> \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json'\
  -d '{"inputs": {"text":""}, "tweaks": {}}'

Or with Python:

import requests

BASE_API_URL = "http://localhost:3001/api/v1/process"
FLOW_ID = "4441b773-0724-434e-9cee-19d995d8f2df"
# You can tweak the flow by adding a tweaks dictionary
# e.g {"OpenAI-XXXXX": {"model_name": "gpt-4"}}

def run_flow(inputs: dict,
            flow_id: str,
            tweaks: Optional[dict] = None,
            apiKey: Optional[str] = None) -> dict:
    Run a flow with a given message and optional tweaks.

    :param message: The message to send to the flow
    :param flow_id: The ID of the flow to run
    :param tweaks: Optional tweaks to customize the flow
    :return: The JSON response from the flow
    api_url = f"{BASE_API_URL}/{flow_id}"

    payload = {"inputs": inputs}
    headers = {}

    if tweaks:
        payload["tweaks"] = tweaks
    if apiKey:
        api_url += f"?x-api-key={apiKey}"

    response =, json=payload, headers=headers)
    return response.json()

# Setup any tweaks you want to apply to the flow
inputs = {"text":""}
api_key = "<your api key>"
print(run_flow(inputs, flow_id=FLOW_ID, tweaks=TWEAKS, apiKey=api_key))

Security Considerations

  • Visibility: The API key won't be retrievable again through the UI for security reasons.

  • Scope: The key only allows access to the flows and components of the specific user to whom it was issued.

Revoking an API Key

To revoke an API key, simply delete it from the UI. This will immediately invalidate the key and prevent it from being used again.

Getting Started

👋 Welcome to Langflow
📦 How to install?
🤗 HuggingFace Spaces
🎨 Creating Flows


Sign up and Sign in
API Keys
Assynchronous Processing
Prompt Customization
Chat Interface
Chat Widget
Custom Components

Step-by-Step Guides

Async API
Integrating documents with prompt variables
Building chatbots with System Message
Integrating Langfuse with Langflow


FlowRunner Component
Conversation Chain
Buffer Memory
MidJourney Prompt Chain
CSV Loader
Serp API Tool
Multiple Vector Stores
Python Function
📚 How to Upload Examples?


Deploy on Google Cloud Platform


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